February 7, 2017

CEH(Certified Ethical Hacker)

What is Certified Ethical Hacking Certification?

A Certified Ethical Hacker is a skilled professional who understands and knows how to look for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems and uses the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s). The CEH credential certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor-neutral perspective.

Following is the Certified Ethical Hacking Syallabus

[su_button url=”http://www.careerstudio.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/CEH-brochure.pdf”  su_button icon=”icon: cloud-download” style=”flat” background=”#006e82″ color=”#ffffff” size=”5″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]CEH-Brochure[/su_button]

[su_button url=”http://www.careerstudio.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/cehv9-brochure.pdf”  su_button icon=”icon: cloud-download” style=”flat” background=”#006e82″ color=”#ffffff” size=”5″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]CEHV9-Brochure[/su_button]


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