More than just training…
Our Interview Training Objectives
- Understanding interview dynamics
- Getting the most of your interview preparation based on MNC’s
- Making the right first, second or third impression
- Learning how to tackle interview nerves
- Feeling at home in the interviewing arena
- Taking care of the interviewer
- Becoming a good ‘Story-Teller’
- Understanding the dynamics around the table
- Dressing for interview success
- Handling difficult interview questions
- Handling rejection
- Sharpening up your
[su_box title=”Best part of Career Studio to join the Interview program is… ” box_color=”#006e82″ radius=”2″]We help in providing Multiple Strategy like if Communication Skill is missing you can only prepare in English most likely asked interview questions & the most important is we have multiple IT company Interview Question Set for multiple profiles….which really makes easy to deal and get through with interviews[/su_box]
If you’re confident when going on a job interview or asking for a raise or a promotion, you’re one of the lucky ones.
Most people have an anxious time before, during and after their interviews: anxiety about how they’ll do; anxiety about how they’re doing; anxiety about how they did.
Our interview skills training will help you get to grips with your anxiety so you can actually enjoy the interview process and present yourself in the best possible light. When you can present yourself with ease, you have a much higher chance of getting the job you want.
Once you understand the dynamics of an interview situation (that odd posturing and positioning that can happen in interviews) then you can actually be more ‘in charge’ of the interview arena despite the possible power dynamics.
Whatever is said about having only one chance to make a good first impression at your interview, we believe you have any number of chances to make a good impression even if you fluff the first one.
Learning how to present yourself at an interview, how to dress appropriately, how to tell a good story about yourself and give relevant examples instead of reciting your CV, will all make you a far more interesting and accessible interviewee.
Always remember interviewing is hard on everyone: they want it to be you! They want their search to be over when you walk in the door. It’s up to you to make sure that happens.
Interview skills is one area where a little training can go an awfully long way, and our Interview Skills Training is the kind that can last a lifetime.
Use the STAR technique i.e
- Describe the Situation
- Discuss the Task that needed to be accomplished
- What Actions did you take to perform your task
- What were the Results of your actions
What is An Interview and Why is It So Important To The Job Seeker?
The interview, ideally, is a predictable, two-way question and answer conversation in which both the employer and the interviewee are equal partners. The purpose of the interview is to find out information about the job while presenting yourself as positively as possible.
The interview allows you, the job seeker, the opportunity to make an oral presentation of your strengths, credentials, qualifications, and potential contributions to the company/organization with whom you are interviewing..
The interview is one of the most important aspects of your job search. So, preparation for the interview should begin long before you enter the interviewer’s office.
Firstly, it is for the interviewer to see if you match the requirements of the job. These will naturally vary with different jobs but are likely to include:
- Your personal qualities
- How well you express yourself
- Your motivation and enthusiasm
Anyone who imagines interviewing is the simple act of asking questions of someone to gain information has missed the point. It is much more than that. It is in fact a critical process in both the recruitment of new staff and the promotion of existing staff. It is in truth an investigation into all they are and all they say.
A professional interviewer will understand that a resume/CV is at best the edited highlights of a person’s career and at worst a complete fiction. They will also know that most intelligent people seek to lie by omission, the less intelligent will not prove so subtle. They must understand when and how to apply the techniques needed to both identify what is “missing” and bring the interviewee to willingly supply more complete information. In some cases this can result in identifying a determined liar.
While there are both financial and time costs involved in obtaining and maintaining proper interview skills, the cost of replacing someone recruited to the wrong role are invariably far greater. As a result both Interview Training and Interview Coaching have a strong ROI.
[su_box title=”Key Message” box_color=”#006e82″ radius=”2″]”Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln[/su_box]
Here are some Tips from Career Studio To beginner………
How to perform well at interviews
1.Preparation for the interview
Research very carefully the career area for which you are applying.Preparation is the key ingredient for interview success. Careful planning and preparation will make sure that your interview goes smoothly and will also help to calm your nerves!
- Remind yourself why you are interested in this career, and this employer: enthusiasm is important.
- Re-read your application form as if you were the interviewer. Try and anticipate the questions they will ask. Think about any awkward points that might be picked up on, and how you will handle them.
- Prepare some questions to ask the interviewer.
- Plan how you will get to the interview. Leave plenty of time in case
- of traffic jams or delayed trains.
- Take a small, neat notepad and pen to write down important information the interviewer may tell you, and after the interview, the questions you were asked, so you can work out better answers to any you fluffed.
- Research the employer – here are some things you may be able to find out from the employers web site or via Google.
- What is the size of the organization?
- How long has it been in business?
- What are its products and/or services?
- What sort of reputation or public image does it have?
- Who are its main competitors?
- Where is it based? Single or multiple locations? UK or multinational?
- What is the organizational structure like?
- What are its future plans and prospects?
- What is the organizational culture?
- What types of training, development and appraisal are offered?
2.First impressions
These are very important – they set the tone for the rest of the interview. Interviewers take on average less than 7 minutes to decide if a candidate is right for the role.
Factors influencing whether an interviewee is viewed as employable were
- A candidate’s timekeeping (96% of managers agree this is influential)
- Level of a candidate’s interview preparation (93%)
- Ability to hold eye contact (82%)
- Personal appearance (73%)(two thirds of employers said they were put off by tattoos)
- Quality of banter or small talk (60%)
- Strength of handshake (55%)
The five most important factors interviewers considered when hiring were:
- Work experience (36%)
- First impressions of the candidate (24%)
- Education (12%)
- Professional qualifications (10%)
- References (9%)
The successful candidates had:
•Smiled and made a lot of eye contact
•Shown a genuine interest in the interviewer and given genuine compliments
•Praised the company: find something you genuinely like about the organisation.
•Asked interesting questions: for example “What is your personal experience of working for this company?”
•Talked about subjects unrelated to job, but that interested the candidate and interviewer.
3.How to overcome interview nerves
“Always remember you’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
- You are expected to be nervous! If you are not, it suggests that you may not want the job very much. Having said this the interviewer will expect your nerves to diminish after a few minutes.
- Try to think that it’s not that important: there will be other interviews in future and it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get this job.
- Preparation is key – the more preparation you have done, such as working out answers to common interview questions, and doing careful research on the organization and job, the more relaxed you will feel.
- Start the interview in a positive manner and it is likely to continue in the same way.
- Don’t worry too much about making a mistake: nearly everyone fluffs one question and research suggests interviewers prefer candidates who come across as human to those who appear “plastic perfect”.
- Mindfulness techniques can help greatly in reducing stress in interviews and similar situations and can also help with many other aspects of life by increased attention, focus and clarity.
- Listen to empowering music beforehand. A research sudy suggests that this could help boost your confidence and feel more powerful and in control.
At the end of the interview, it is likely that you will be given the chance to put your own questions to the interviewer.
- Keep them brief: there may be other interviewees waiting.
- Ask about the work itself, training and career development: not about holidays, pensions, and season ticket loans.
- Prepare some questions in advance: it is OK to write these down and to refer to your notes to remind yourself of what you wanted to ask.
It often happens that, during the interview, all the points that you had noted down to ask about will be covered before you get to this stage. In this situation, you can respond as follows:
Interviewer: Well, that seems to have covered everything: is there anything you would like to ask me?
Interviewee: Thank you: I’d made a note to ask about your appraisal system and the study arrangements for professional exams, but we went over those earlier and I really feel you’ve covered everything that I need to know at this moment.
What are the most common questions asked at interviews?
1.Why do you want this job?
One of the most predictable questions and very important! You need to demonstrate that you have researched the employer and tie your knowledge of them into the skills and interests that led you to apply. For example, an interviewee with a small public relations agency might say:
“I’m always ready to take on responsibility and feel this will come more quickly with a firm of this size. A small firm also gives the chance to build closer working relationships with clients and colleagues and I’ve found through my past work experience that this makes an organization more effective as well as more satisfying to work in.”
2.What are your strengths?
This allows you to put across your “Unique Selling Points” – three or four of your key strengths. Try to back these points up with examples of where you have had to use them.
Consider the requirements of the job and compare these with all your own attributes – your personality, skills, abilities or experience. Where they match you should consider these to be your major strengths. The employer certainly will.
For example, team work, interpersonal skills, creative problem solving, dependability, reliability, originality, leadership etc., could all be cited as strengths. Work out which is most important for the particular job in question and make sure you illustrate your answer with examples from as many parts of your experience, not just university, as you can.
This question may be phrased in other ways, such as “Tell me about yourself” or “How would a friend describe you?”
3.Describe a situation in which you led a team.
This is an example of a competency-based question. Many positions involve people management, where you will be expected to plan, organize and guide the work of others as well as motivating them to complete tasks. The interviewer needs to assess how well you relate to other people, what role you take in a group and whether you are able to focus on goals and targets.Outline the situation, your role and the task of the group overall. Describe any problems which arose and how they were tackled. Say what the result was and what you learned from it
See our [su_button url=”http://www.careerstudio.co.in/itil/leadership-skill/” style=”flat” background=”#006e82″ color=”#ffffff” size=”5″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Leadership Style Page[/su_button] for more help with this
4.Describe a situation where you worked in a team
Another competency-based question. Most jobs will involve a degree of teamwork. The interviewer needs to assess how well you relate other people, what role you take in a group and whether you are able to focus on goals and targets.Outline the situation, your particular role and the task of the group overall. Describe any problems which arose and how they were tackled. Say what the result was and what you learned from it.Examples could include putting on a drama or music production; a group project at university; a business game or “Young Enterprise” scheme or working in a fast-food restaurant.
See Our [su_button url=”http://www.careerstudio.co.in/team-working-skill/” style=”flat” background=”#006e82″ color=”#ffffff” size=”5″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Teamworking Page[/su_button] for more help with this
5.What do you expect to be doing in 5 years time?
Try to avoid vague or general answers such as “I would hope to grow with the responsibility I am offered and to develop my skills as far as I am able” or “I would expect to be in a management role by then”.
Be specific, but flexible: recruiters want to know you know what you want. Hiring, training and developing staff costs a lot of money, something like £7,000 to recruit a new graduate, so they want to make sure that you are committed to staying with the organisation. “I’d like to gradually take more and more responsibility and perhaps by then be a brand manager for a major product.”
Talk about your interest in the industry in which the company with operates. Emphasis the value you can bring to the organization and what you can do for it.
You need to show that you are ambitious but also your goals must be realistic – saying you expect to be a senior manager after two years is unlikely to go down well! Use the employer’s website or LinkedIn profiles to gain an idea of the career paths followed by past graduates. You may be able to supplement this by showing your knowledge of professional bodies and the steps you will need to take to gain their qualifications, e.g. in areas such as marketing or HR.
This question allows you to demonstrate that you have done your research on the career routes open to you within the organization and so you should try to be more specific – not necessarily tying yourself down to a particular route, but showing that you have at least a general idea of where you want to go.Talk about responsibilities you would like to have and expected achievements rather than how much you would expect to be earning in five year time as this will make an employer think you’re more interested in the material benefits than the career itself. Talk about your career development: skills you’d like to acquire or you’d like to be using, and professional qualifications you’d like to get.
[su_note note_color=”#006e82″ text_color=”#f1efef” radius=”1″] Note : No Job Guarantee. We provide only job guarantee program[/su_note]
To find out more details call us on: 020-25891611 or enquiry@careerstudio.co.in
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