March 8, 2017

Tips to improve Teamwork Skills

Teams generally are considered a group of people with inter-related skills. They all enact together to achieve a common goal. If each individual works in coordination with a team, it will result in the prosperity of the organization. All members in a team have a different identity; still they work together in an organized way to attain their objective.

As we look into a scenario in an organization, efficient teamwork skills have become a necessity today. To cope up in a competitive environment, one needs to put in extra efforts in the team, so that there are better outcomes in the future. For the business to grow fully there should be systematic planning and each individual should work equally for the growth of the company. It is very necessary that they work shoulder to shoulder as much as possible.

Teamwork is the most essential factor of a team, which helps in the success of any project. A good team member should have good communication skills and must have the required abilities that are demanded by an organization. The aftermaths of teamwork rely on how each member fulfills his responsibilities and contributes towards higher productivity in an organization.

Key Skills Required for Effective Teamwork

Commitment towards team’s success and shared goals

The team members should work for the success of the team, so that a particular target is achieved on time. Equal participation of the team members helps them in the performance of a task with the usage of the highest level of competence.


Team members working in a competitive environment need to focus more on the equal participation for the development of a business. Each member should build a strong team spirit and participate in the team functions equally, so that the results are up to the mark. Team members working in the competitive environment need to focus more on the equal participation for the development of the business. At the same time, each one should help one another to achieve, donate and assimilate the skills for the progression of the business.

Interpersonal Skills

Free sharing of thoughts with the team members on the way. One must work sincerely with full cooperation and share their views with other people who are working in the team. The working environment should be good and each member should support the other person’s point of view.

Good Communication and effective feedback

The management should be agile and listen to team members so that each individual can discuss issues freely with their co-partners and hence team members should help each other towards the success of the project. At the same time, the member within the company should come up with individual feedback.

Appropriate team composition

An appropriate team composition is the development of a coherent team. The people working within the company should be completely aware about their role and responsibilities. If the team management is good, then there would be prosperity in the totality of work and productivity is higher.

Commitment to teamwork, increases leadership and accountability

The team members in an organization should work with full dedication to get the profit out of their input. Research, appropriate planning of strategies, proper implementation of the company methods and the recognition of the new ideas should be the significant tool for the development of the association.
Leadership is the major source of principle, which leads to guiding, and supporting of an organization.

The consistent following of the excellence by the employees throughout the organization reflects the qualities of a leader. The leader of an organization has the responsibility to improve the system and reduce the challenges in the business. A coordinating environment should be built up for the proper functioning and development of an organization.

Seven Tips to Improve Teamwork Skills

Split the work evenly, clearly and minimize the overlap

Working alone is more vulnerable than working in a team. Distribution of work among the team members should be constant and distinct. The team plays a major role in minimizing the defaults of the business. The responsibility given to each member of the team, helps them to prove their skills and encourage them to play their sole role for the benefit of the organization. The purpose of a team is to reduce the workload. If problem arises in working with the co-partner, then it is good to discuss the differences with the higher authority and get the conflicts resolved.

Time Management Skills

The arrangement of the team for regular meetings is a difficult task for a leader. However, strict time limit should be involved and uninterrupted meetings should be conducted since they are the backbone of a team. There should be constant interaction between the varied groups of members. If the meeting is called at a regular basis, then it becomes easier for individuals to carry the responsibility in a well-defined manner rather than taking problem to higher authorities and worsening the issue.

Never Intentionally Oppose Someone’s Ideas

Working together in a team is a challenge. One needs to fully concentrate on the purpose. An individual should not impose his ideas on the other co-partner, as it can lead to conflicts. If one disagrees with the ideas of his co-partner, he or she should act as if he is comfortable with the quality of ideas produced in front of the team. An individual should plan how to change the opinion of the other co- worker but that should be done in a clever way.

The person should speak in favour of the opponent and once he gets the hold of situation, he should point out the negatives in the discussion without being offensive. At later stages, one should discuss the negative consequences in a way that it does not sound negative but must also inform that the idea was wrong. This way the person will admit his mistake and appreciate the intelligence.

Learn Names

While working with the team one should have the knowledge of their team members. In addition, try to remember the name, which plays the vital role in the progression of the project. While working if a person learn the name of his co-partner and the other too responds similarly in a respective way. If a team member reacts in a friendly manner to his other working partners, it conveys a positive attitude towards him that makes the whole environment.

At the same time when we do not know the name of the co-worker, it hinders the team performance because each individual shares a different behavioral pattern altogether. There should be a friendly environment where each one should get the opportunity to know the other.

Praise like a teacher wherever you can

The one important key point to be recognized in the proper framing of the teamwork skill is the way you behave with the other co-partner. If your attitude towards the other individual is not good, then it can create a mess in the other individual’s performance. The effects of this, reflects in the poor performance of an individual within the organization. One should always keep in mind that a good behavior opens a wide range of opportunities, which can uplift the profit graph of a company.

For instance, the teacher of the school keeps praising the performance of the students in order to encourage them in the longer run. This behavior is exactly an art, which one has to learn on his own. However, those who master in this art are praised all around the world for their mannerism. One should try to compliment the work of other individuals that creates a positive attitude in front of the leader. If an individual is not appreciated for his performance, it will create a bad impression of that individual in front of other people in the organization.

Make everyone feel important

The attitude reflects in the effective framing of one’s personality. The caring nature and trustworthiness towards other people makes a positive difference within each individual. There should be a habit of sharing responsibilities within an organization. There should be an involvement of a leader towards the emotional thinking of his employee. One should motivate the people to learn something meaningful that could help them in improving their performance. Communication is the main factor where the leader can show his affection towards the students or the members of an organization.

The open expression of feelings can help in the personality development of an individual. One should carry a positive attitude towards the sharing of responsibility. An effective teacher should neither be more possessive and nor should be completely dominating. If one gets the space in a relationship, whether it is the relation between the child and the mother, a teacher and the student then a healthy environment is developed.

Lead the Team

An efficient team leader should respect and know how to communicate with the employees of the company. The responsibility of a leader is to focus on the productivity and implementation of the strategies, which helps in satisfying the requirements of each individual in an organization. The company recruits an employee team leader so that the functions within each department are carried out in a well-organized manner. Effectual leaders try to find the problems within the company and resolve them without any conflicts. They try to build a good relationship between the management and the employees working within the company.

Teamwork Skills in the Workplace

An efficient team leader tries to build a strong bond between the management and the employees. He is the one to carry the responsibilities of individual’s performance for efficient productivity generation. The leader helps the team to come together and resolve the problems within an organization. The interaction between the management and the employees should be healthy.

Three Conditions for Smooth Functioning of a Team

Developing individual’s strength

Arrange and combine the strengths of each individual working together. This helps in the building of a good relationship between each other. One should try to listen and respect ones point of view that could create a positive environment between the departments to function well. If one denies the instructions of the leader, the contribution towards the company would lead to worse consequences at the end of the day.

The leader should encourage the skills of each individual working within the company. The management should appreciate the ideas formulated for the productivity of the organization. The most important phenomenon for the growth of the organization is, when the leader pays attention on each individual on a personal basis.

A good relationship between the higher authority and the workers

The management should have complete faith in the team so that the ideas delivered by each individual are appreciated. There should be proper implementation of the thoughts for achieving the goal. Each individual should always focus on the desired goal and should trust their ability to perform well. No miscommunication between the management should be entertained. This can ultimately lead to the decrease in the productivity of the company as a whole.

Communication plays a major role in the flourishing of an organization. The leader should understand the ideas of each individual and encourage him or her to take smart decisions, which would help in the enhancement of their personality in a competitive environment.

Accepting the challenging goals within the company

The goal that has to be achieved, within the company should be clear. It should not be the individual’s decision but, an equal participation of the team together. Working alone can create a long and tough procedure for a target to be achieved. Unity is diversity as we all know, so working collectively can help in reducing the workload and tensions. There should be an immediate feedback on the overall performance of each individual working within the company. The performance record should be maintained so that the management is aware of what one is doing.


Teamwork skills make us understand how to use them for the betterment of everyone working within the company. We analyzed how the companies go systematically to increase the productivity and profitability both at the same time. Ultimately the participation of the varied team members affects the conclusion at the end of the day.